Film location available for production rental
All Filming Location Rentals are listed by owners, if interested in a property, contact owners via email, telephone if provided, or by clicking on the contact link on the property details page.
See property below.
3200 SF 4 bed, 3 bath home with living, dining, den, full expanded kitchen and large, covered, outdoor patio and large open lawn. Front gardens with sitting areas. Plenty of street parking, non-permit. Historic home with modern updates. Lots of natural light. We have hosted many shoots in the past and know the routine intimately. It's been a few years due to the pandemic, but are happy to reopen. Lafayette Square is a popular location choice in Los Angeles for productions due to the abundant free parking and low noise due to the gates. We don't permit smoking in the house or on the premises. It's ok to bring pets and we have a special dog run for the pups but we do have a dog and he's the boss. Catering is fine but we don't allow cooking in the kitchen. Thanks so much for considering our home for your production and we look forward to hosting you soon. For photographs, please see our listing on Giggster.
All Filming Location Rentals are listed by owners, if interested in a property, contact the home or business owners via email, telephone if provided, or by clicking on the contact link on the property details page.
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